When I was invited to be a guest on John Ray’s Business RadioX, I wanted to say yes, but I had no idea how to prepare. I hadn’t even launched my business or my website! Well, at least not officially. So, I said yes. And I got to work. Deadlines are necessary to figuring things out, and timely. I always knew what 27th and Leo meant to me, but getting it down on paper was a whole other animal. I wrote things down in my notebook, crossed it out, tore out the page, then wrote again. And finally, after several drafts (and a new notebook) I had answered the ultimate question: What is 27th and Leo?
Walking in to the studio for the interview was like walking into a spaceship (literally actually, the building is designed to look like a spaceship) and I was so excited to talk about my company. MY company. I’ll say it again, MY COMPANY. Wow. I have absolutely no idea who listens to this radio show/podcast, but that didn’t matter. I did my homework and was finally able to shout to the world (or at least the surrounding Atlanta area) what 27th and Leo is all about and why my company is important. Sometimes, you just need a good kick in the butt - or a radio interview on your calendar - to give you that nudge to get it done. Thank you John Ray for the invitation, you did far more than you will ever know for me and my business.
And I’m so glad I said YES.